Friday, July 18, 2008


Just watched it (via online).!!! Its great.! Its not the usual action movie where a muscle bound guy or a cute super agent is the main character. I'm not saying that James McAvoy isn't handsome, he just doesn't appeal to me that much. But he's still a cutie though, just didn't like him saying F*** in the movie almost for nth times. Thinking back, its his role so he's suppose to say it. hahaha..

Anyways, I give a nine out of ten. I really idolized Angelina especially when she smiles because she looks pretty and devious at the same time(just like me.!).!! When I was a kid, my dream is to be an assassin. The one whose born with a natural talent to use the sword and to shoot a gun. Maybe that's why I was really interested in watching the movie. I kinda relate with the main character.

The story is about a guy, a loser to be specific. He can't stand for himself and he's this jumpy, cheesy, clumsy guy who wants to know who he really is. He doesn't have amnesia but he grew up not knowing a father who can teach him about life. He feels pathetic all the time and he wants to change his way of life. He works in an office where a b****y woman keeps insulting and pissing himoff, hi girlfriend is cheating on him and worse, his girlfriend is cheating him over his best friend.

He later found out that his father was killed by an assassin. He is taken into custody by Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman. He founds out that he is good in shooting and he is now being molded to be a great assassin.

He then kills a lot of men that was said to be an order of fate. Later on as he hunts down for the person who killed his father, he killed his fellow assassin who has been nice to him and then he killed the guy who murdered his dad. Unfortunately, the one who was said to be the murderer of his father is his real dad. The group who took him just lied to him so that they can use him as a bait for his dad.

He sets for revenge and killed all the other assassins in his old organization. Fox (Angelina) killed the other two remaining assassins including herself when she found out that they were just tricked by Morgan Freeman's character. Its a kind of self repentance, I guess. The ending was fun because he used the technique or plan of which his dad used in killing other targets.

Hmmm.. I think he finally found his purpose in life is or to who he really is in the end of the movie.

Lesson learned: We should have the courage to go out our comfort zones and test our limits to make ourselves a better person. And maybe in the end, we can finally say that we made out the best in life and we finally found the things that we were looking for.


rejserenity said...

yah. keep moving forward. even lyf in uncertain, lets not forget that living has purpose

..hehe.. asa u na syt ngwatch han??

glaiglay said...

i dnt know my limits han....

simple living said...

wow limits limits tirada.!!!