Wednesday, July 30, 2008

from Killeres to Rubicks Cuberz.!!

My mom always tell me that even though I am already in my college (supposedly grown-up) years I still act like a grade schooler. Well, ma, the people you see above are the people who are responsible for my childish ways. Joke.!! haha.

Well, even though my mom makes that comment sound like an insult, I always take it as a compliment because I am childish, and I love it, especially now that I have a group of friends whose "wavelength" in terms of having fun is the same as mine.

When I was in first year college, my friends and I can be always be seen carrying a rubik's cube. We learned of different patterns to solve it or do different designs from it. Later on, the cube mania faded away and a new breed of legos and puzzles were our past time games.

On our second year, we were playing the "anagram game". It’s a game where we twist some words and make the others guess what the correct original word is. Example: Oh.! Draconian devil. Output: Leonardo da Vinci (from the Da Vinci Code).

On our third year, most of us were already playing on line games. It was a bit sad because we weren't able to play as a group but it was fun when we compare what levels are we now or on what things we already bought in the game.

On our fourth year(sadly, its not our last year yet), we were playing the "Killer Game". We pick out a piece of paper where certain roles were written. Most of the time, I pick out the "mongoloid" role. hahaha.!! Anyways, if you pick the killer, you are supposed to wink at the other people without being caught by the police. If you picked out the police, you must not be winked by the killer or else your out of the game. You are also the one responsible for arresting the killer. If your the doctor, you must blow a flying kiss to the people who got winked/ killed by the killer. THe other roles are just the pawns, the ones who are going to get killed or healed. jejeje

We have other games like Otso-otso, marco polo, act-out, and IQ games kuno like the Music Room game, the 12345 game (of which we challenged 3 of our professors to solve it) and many more.

The past week, we played hide and seek at the ground floor of the Engineering building, and the other day we played "soccer (daw.!!)" using a ball made of styrofoam. It was all fun. Even though, we all got dirty, stinky and wet, at least we had fun.

Being in college really doesn't mean that we start being all grown-up and serious in life because if we do, we end up getting crazy. It doesn't mean that we always need to be this prim and proper people who always study because sometimes we just need to go out there and get dirty, play and forget about age and etiquette, only on some occasions though. jejeje.!!

Playing these silly games with my friends doesn't only make me smile but it also adds a lot of fun memories to my thoughts.

And now, we are back to where it all began, to the rubik's cube. We are playing it again, with new patterns to discover jejeje. I wonder what will be the next games to play.!! Love you guys. Melon.!


simple living said...


i'm one of these people..

proud to be men..



rejserenity said...

aw!! ajejeje ako kay saling pusa here hhaaha!!

aw!!college lyf must not solely deal with studies.. its not wrong to have some fun, act and feel sometimes like during our childhood days.. ajeeje

best regardz!

glaiglay said...

kabalo man ko ngano nagpabata2 mo now, gpraktis mo kay hapit namo magkababy...naa namo puhon2 ma2dlo sa inyo mga baby..ahahaha


Unsa man gyud

naa anang melon2?


geLan eam said...

joiners au si jalil sa melon2x buh..hahahaha..well,proud to say,, im one of them./..hahahahaha

jªymªr said...

1 2 3 4 5


kaw jud una nakagets ani nga dula sa tanang killerers(rubix cubers).


nangutana lang ko unsa naa anang inung melon2 woi..

dili na nko ginagamit ug la ko plano gamiton na... hehehe
