Thursday, January 29, 2009

USEP Enrollment Activity Diagram

This is the USEP Enrollment Activity Diagram which describes the process through which a person is subjected to, to be an official USEP student.

Enrollment System
1. The enrollee is to pay the local fees to their respective college local council's treasurer.
2. Enrollee must go to their respective college advisers for the evaluation of grades and subjects.
3. If enrollee passes evaluation he is to proceed to the next step if not he is to consult the dean.
4. Students must go to the encoder to for encoding of subjects.
5. Non-scholars must proceed to the cashier to pay the tuition fee, while validated scholars are to proceed to the bookkeeper for verification.
6. Enrollee will now proceed to the registrar's office for registration.
7. Enrollee is requested to go to the library for validation of their library ID card
8. Enrollee is now fully and officially enrolled .


glaiglay said...

good luck sa inyoha han...hehehe

rejserenity said...

hehehe dakoa sa in.u system woie.. gdluck jud.!