From what I read at acm.org, in ACM's Right and Responsibilities in ACM Publishing, a research that wants to recognized/published it has to pass several processes namely; Reviewing, Processing of Accepted Works and Dissemination. In i3e rules, “research must not be submitted twice to another conference”. Considering the originality of your research is not the end of the consideration; novelty, impact to the readers and content of your research must also be considered, because your research will also be categorized. Thus, we can see how tightly these top-tier journals evaluate research works before considering of publishing it.
As to what factors they apply in their decision making, most of it are also the same factors employed in judging a simple research paper.
First and foremost, “Is it original? Is it unique? Is it timely?”. Topic originality and uniqueness are the most important factor. Though it is true that some research works are a bit similar to one another and that is why review of related research is a component of making a research paper but then the present must showcase a new side and solution to that old problem. No two research works can ever be the same. But then if your research paper tackles problems the society is dealing today, which refers to your study being timely then it is much better than a problem tackled more than a decade.
The second concern would be, “Is your study relevant?”. Mostly all research works done are relevant and because of this another question is raised and that is “How relevant is it?”. If the study is believed to be more relevant or beneficial to its appointed audience or to the society as a whole, then it will have higher chances of being chosen to be published in a top-tier journal.
Next, would be the type of research you are doing. If the research your doing is a bit more on the technical side, it has a better chance of being in a top-tier journal than a social one. Another would be research approach. This deals with the citations used in your study. The rate of publication of your work depends upon how you cited other’s work. If your citations are merely on the flaws of the other’s work it has a low rate of publication or may not be published at all. Otherwise, if you improve his work, and given with proper credit the publication’s rate is high.
If the topic you are raising is already deemed valid and valuable, and the methodologies you have used to prove your hypothesis are already tested for and is proved to be accurate then what’s left to be critiqued now is how you wrote it. As a colleague of min said, "You may have to follow a style that would not be pleasing to the English department".”
The journal you made must follow a particular “standard” way of writing a research paper, whether it is by the APA or other commonly used formal writing style. But since its for a top-tier journal, then they must have a particular writing style you are advised to make use of.
Another factor would the packing of your whole paper. This strategy deals with the overall "look" of your paper. It was stated in the paper that you have to make the main point in your study earlier in the body. Compare and explain the result of your work to others with similar studies and state its contribution to other’s work. In short, "try to see them as others might see them, initially with a skeptical eye".
Footnotes are also essential in their consideration. According to the paper I have read footnotes serve us two purposes. Footnotes allow us to not make our paper very long because we may just cite some references so we may not write them in detail.
Though this is not a proper factor, we can say that an author’s track record is also a significant consideration because we can’t deny the fact if the author is already well-known to have produced relevant research works in the past, a level of respect from the board or panel of judges and a level of anticipation to his new research work. That is why it is undeniable that some writers include the names of established scientists even though they just contribute a little in their work.
Experience is one of the factors too. The authors know the pitfalls and obstacles in publishing, more especially in top-tier journals; that is why it could be easier for them for the next paper to be published.
As I mentioned above, all of these criteria are also used in judging a “simple” research paper, so I believe that the only difference is that top-tier journals have only higher standards. Therefore, selecting a work to be published should also be of high quality because it reflects the totality of a company's reputation. Overall, these are some factors in publishing research: originality, uniqueness, timeliness, reliability, coherence, competence, ethics, and credibility.