Last August 9, 2008, the Hernandez family gathered at my Aunt Cristina's house for the despedida party of our cousin, Abegail. After a few years living in Detroit, she finally came back home to Davao to see us all. Sadly, after 3 weeks here in Davao, she already have to go to her dad in Manila where she will pursue her studies.
Back to the party details, well, it wasn't the only reason for the party, we were also celebrating (super advance) her debut. Since by that time she won't be here in Davao to celebrate it with us,we decided to just celebrate in it advance, and also we were also having a surprise birthday bash to our beloved Santa Claus like uncle, Tito Danny who will be having his birthday the day after the party.
When, I arrived at my aunt's house, a cousin of mine, Kyle told all of us not to greet Uncle Danny "happy birthday" when he arrives because he wants to make it look like we forgot our uncle's birthday. But actually, we already have a customized "Malboro cigarette pack" cake hidden in Kyle's room. The cake was courtesy of one my cousins, Richard (mind you the cake cost a lot).
Kyle also drew a banner who really looks like my uncle and coincidentally my uncle wore a green shirt that day of which was also the color of the shirt of what Kyle drew (funny, right.??!!).
Abegail was dressed in a red gown, mind you, she looked stunning that night. That's why we were having a lot of pictures taken with her that night. Then, we started singing happy birthday, while some of us were already looking and drooling at the huge crabs and prawns at the table. hahaha.!!
Eating time is always like chaos or pandemonium in our family party and this party isn't an exception. It was really fun watching our younger cousins pushing each other to get to the cake or watching the older folks shoving each other to get to the lechon. It was all very comical.

After, eating dinner. We took pictures and sang loudly in the videoke machine. It was really fun since almost all of us sang and rain poured really hard that time and we were telling each other off for sining so badly that's why the rain poured harder. haha.!!

After a few moments, Abby went inside her room and called our Uncle Danny. She was so depressed she said but actually she was just acting. While our Uncle was inside Abby's room, we were already taking his birthday cake, the poster, and the balloons into the sala. All of my cousins and I signed the birthday card. My cousin went out into the sala with Uncle Danny.Our Uncle laughed loudy when he saw all of us singing him a happy birthday. One of my younger cousins,Arlo read out the essay that he wrote about how thankful all of us are, for having an Uncle like him. When he finished reading the essay, Uncle Danny got an icing for his birthday cake and splatted it at my cousin's face. And then, all chaos began. All of us started throwing the icing of the cake at each others faces. My hair was dyed red because of the red icing thrown to my hair.
This is what we looked like, after the commotion..
Over-all, it was fun, fun, fun.!!