Warning: Super Spoiler Ahead.!!
..Neither shall live while other the survives..
If your a Harry Potter fan you will recognize this line pertaining to a part of the prophecy made between Harry and Lord Voldemort.
I have been following the life of Harry Potter for years now and at last my journey has come to an end (inly for the book version though..) with the release of the final installment of the Harry Potter series. The last and 7th book, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", tackles about Harry last struggles, sorrows and triumph will the return of his arch-foe Lord Voldemort.
JK seemed to have gave all her best in writing this book. It is the most action packed and powerful amongst all the HP books.
For starters, Harry, Ron and Hermoine left Hogwarts and decided to devote their lives in pursuing the Horcruxes. In the parting with the Dursleys, Dudley showed a miraculous care for Harry that shocked all (especially Harry of course). Yet in transporting Harry to the Burrow, George lost an ear while Mad Eye Moody was killed with the Avada Curse. The Ministry under the leadership of Rufus Scrimgeour later fell on the hands of Voldemort, who then killed Rufus and gave the position to the Imperiused Pius Thicknesse.
Something that saddened me in reading the book was that a lot of my favorite characters was killed, namely: Mad-Eye Moody, Fred, Rufus, Snape, Colin, Remus, Nymphadora and (the one I really shed tears for.!!!) Dobby. Well, his death was really the dramatic one, shame in Bellatrix for kiling such a nice elf. Speaking of elf, it was really funny how Kreacher, yes Kreacher bacame all fuzzy wuzzy with Harry and vice versa too.
In the side of the nemesis', Bellatrix died(thank you so muck JK!!) and Voldemort of course. In this book, Dumbledore's true personality will be seen(or read..), actually this installment focuses in revealing the life, and lies of Albus Dumbledore and a very shocking other side of Severus Snape will be revealed.
This installment calls for death, how to accept it and how to, in Taylor's word.. Deal with it.!!